Friday, 30 November 2007


... had 2 days spare in Buenos Aires so we went to Montevideo-a capital of Urugay and we got our passport stamped at least!-took expensive fast ferry called Buquebus- takes 3 hours and a great ride on Rio de la Plata(river Plate)-1.3 million-loads of students-best place in the world to learn Spanish-rather disappointing European feel and even they want to be more like Europeans than Europeans-what's wrong with these people? they waste so much time trying to be something they are not!-can't wait to get to Peru ,Bolivia and Ecuador!-stayed at Red Hostel in the center of town-old mansion- and had a great feel about it! and a free Wi-fi and breakfast! but had too many German kids learning Spanish on the cheap for my liking but they did support Liverpool as we watched the match live against Porto! with 2 mad Irish Red supporters too! -as the song goes OI! YANKEES! LEAVE OUR RAFFA ALONE!-very poor country but has a great vegee restaurant,we all ate 3 course meal with drinks for 8 quid!-on the main street there are 3 branches of Indian Emporium shops!-what's that all about?-we failed to make the connections!-country is big on bronze statues for past heroes-I mean what a waste of money-FEED THE PEOPLE FIRST WE SAY!-too many beggars on the street although not as bad as India-let's make one thing clear,we have now been to 11 countries in last six months and we love our country India but as we travel the world we really feel ashamed and embarassed by how backward and poorly managed India is compare to all other nations-all these countries are clean,have good sanitation,clean water,good roads,well behaved population,no queue jumping,no spittings or shitting wherever you want,clean food,no insects or free roamings animals and we can go on and on and on -so INDIA GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER BECAUSE YOU ARE AN EMBARASSEMENT TO INDIAN TRAVELLERS ABROAD!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do know what you mean about that thing about pretending to be more Europeans than Europeans itself, in fact these Argentine people are mostly descendants of Europeans so basically that's what they are, Europeans living in the Americas; Indians for instance struggles with their skin color by buying fair skin creams and all to pretend being what they are NOT, that's plainly sad.