...before looking at these pictures look at the Navimag pitures first...
…this is the biggest glacier in Patagonia Chile known as PIO XI as seen while on Navimag…the Captain took the boat very carefully right near the huge wall of blue/white mammoth block of ice-94km long,3km wide and some 160 meters high ie 30 above and 130 below the water-saw massive chunks of icebergs falling off the face of the wall… during the iceage 12,000 years ago this was over 250km long and another 100meters tall...global warming and real catastrophy on it's way?...bet your life on it mate cause it ain't far away...
…massive icebergs in this dangerous waters known as ICEBERG CHANNEL-these are chunks broken away from another mammoth glacier known as GREY GLACIER… which can be seen in the far distant...
…some weigh thousands of tons and only part of it is seen above the water…
...anyone's got bottle of JD!...cause I've got the ice!
…thickest part of glacier have deep blue piercing color –this is because here the ice becomes most compact due to the weight on the top pushing ice particles together and so there are no bubbles and thus blue light is still transmitted and absorbed and thus giving blue color---on the other hand where the ice particles are not compact together,thus here there are air bubbles in the ice and here the whit light is absorbed and thus giving white color…
…as Navimag turns away to find another route as this one was blocked by PIN XI himself…
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