Friday, 30 November 2007
Buenos Aires...Report
Creamy Caramel is national passion here! oh! and love hotels like in Chile-I said to P when in Rome and then I got another black eye! women!-we have left the cold weather behind us in Patagonia and thrown out all our winter gear and shorts-t shirts-sandals are back! and long may it continue!
Buenos Aires...Dios Mio(oh my god!)


…newspaper headline reads-my fellow Uruguans this is your President , first the good news - our long wait for something to happen in our great nation will definitely be over by 3rd August - the bad news is that that 3rd August is in year 2518 so please be loyal to my great great great great so on and on great grandson-please be assure that I am working very hard on your behalf from my winter palace in Barbados and now I am off to check building work on my new Summer Palace in Tuscony , this project is entirely funded by Overseas Development Ministry of Her Majesty’s Governement UK- so to let my fellow Uruguans know that I am not using your tax money…
…some of thses countries are great on putting up huge sataues of past heroes,elaboarate water fountains,gates etc but soon after they are left at the mercy of nature although this one is working as it is in front of the British Embassy-after all it is paid by the British tax payers!

Buenos Aires...Pictures


Sunday, 25 November 2007


...this picture shows a large group of Llamas running havoc amongst the Penguins colony and sure some Penguins are killed...

... Vedanta again pulled out the short straw as to who goes to the nearest supermarket as Dad ran low on Beer and Mum completly emptied the bag containing the 5C's ie choclate,cheese,crisps,cookies and candy's-all that's good for you!...but as P says you get protein from all them 5C's..yaa right!...
Friday, 23 November 2007
22nd went to a place called Punta Tombo to see Megellanic Penguins and this is a colony of over half a million and they were everywhere-just amazing to see so many of them!
...the 24 hours bus ride was just fine and you also get food and drinks just like on aeroplane and sleeping bed not too bad either-we have another 24 hour sleeper bus ride as we travel towards to capital Buenos Aires(means goos wind) pretty soon!
...we hired a car for couple of days to see the wildlife better but been a bit unlucky -we reached the harbour to catch a boat to see Whales etc but wind was blowing at 16 knots/hour and so it was cancelled again-I mean I know some people fart and wind blows over 16 knots/hour and they don't fall over!-but that's the rule-the boats are real antiquated and rather not sea-worhty and in a way we were glad it was cancelled-so no whales for us but there are thousands just off the coast from here- anyway we saw plenty of Humpback Whales in Australia.We did see hundreds and hundreds of huge Sea Lions and Seals and some Penguins too! I think we've overdone it with glaciers and penguins!
The infra-structure for tourist in Argentina is rather poor to say the least and that's a shame as there is plenty to see-but getting to a place is rather difficult-but then it's a huge country-it's just smaller than India in size and yet there are only 40 million here-so there are massive empty spaces here and uninhabited areas for hundreds of miles but hey they play damn better futball than the English do-glad that MU puppet has been sacked as England manager,I mean he is third rate and to make him England manager -give me a break!
Argy food! well! what food! it's beef and beef and beef and more beef-for god's sake let the cow live!
They eat such bland food that it makes English food taste real good!
I have yet to spot Gabriel Sabatini here but have spotted many Batusta and Diego look alike-honest!-I mean they love long hair here-I mean I just woudn't fit in here with my hair-style(what hair dad!-you've got none! shouts V!).By the way Diego is in and out of the re-hab here-what a waste man-a real genius of a player I ever saw but Gerrards god! and Raffa too! and Carra! I say leave Raffa alone and OI! you Yankees ! GIVE HIM MORE MONEY TO SPEND TO BUY MORE TORRES!
Argy people are real nice though and boy they have huge egos!
Been following football here and watched the Brazil game the other day on telly-also been following India v Paki and great to win the ODI's once again- comeon Mushy stop sending women to play against our boys! let's win the test series too boys !
We've only got just over 5 months left now-don't know where the time has gone-I can still remember everything about our 1st day in Beijing and it feels like we only left home few days ago!
Hey but there is plenty to do and see in next few months so the journey goes on!
Trekking On Perito Moreno Glacier

PS: the enemy even offered to pay for the Whisky -as to how those tables were set up and how the Whisky arrived-Luko refused to say-all he said was it was an amazing day for him too! sincere apologies to all my Pakistani friends specially Asif and family and Jamal and family-cause I love you guys! honest!God's truth...
...Allah oh Akabar...
Argentina...Perito Moreno Glacier

...breathtaking ...
...frozen icefields of Southern Patagonia...
...boat ride that takes you in the Iceberg Channell and gives you another vantage point...
...boat looks minute against the might of God's creation!..
...relaxed but felt rather useless against the mighty PMG!...our travel over the last 6 months have taught us many things -caring for envoirment is one of them...
PMG today is 120km long 5km wide(all 3 faces),40km above water and 120km below water-it' big!
During last Iceage some 12,000 years ago,PMG was 350km long in total(ie 100km to the ocean beach today then futher 100km to the frozen ocean beach then),also was another 200 meters taller and much wider too(all other glaciers were bigger too).Then Iceage ended and it created bigger oceans as we know them today.If all the glaciers were to melt including Antarctica then oceans would rise by 60 to 70 meters and 50 % of Great Britain will be under water as would many other countries,other would cease to exist such as Holland-it's happen before and it will happen again but the point is we are speeding up that process with our activities. of the most magical sight of nature at work-as chunks fall of at one end -more fresh chunks are made at the other end-also as icebergs crashes in to the waters it creats mini-tsunami...lost for words!
...thunder/lightning sound first as ice cracks creating chasms and icebergs falls off under it's own weight and being pushed from behind then a huge boom/crashing noise few seconds after as it hits the water(what makes it even more magical is that you see the icebergs crashing in to the waters but you can't hear the noise straight away as sounds takes time to travel -so you see the crash but hear it few micro-seconds after-just brilliant)
... AND THEN I WENT TREKKING ON THE PGM WITH FEW OTHERS AND TWO GUIDES...(V was underage so P stayed behind with her)