Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Galapagos...9th Feb

...9th Feb-after crossing equator we wake up on EDEN near GENOVESA ISLAND-14 sq km -most outlying of Gal Islands-EDEN is anchored in a very large bay surrounded by huge cliff and it´s windy and our best place to see HAMMERHEADS- will we see them? well! read on!...

...7.30am -dry landing at EL BARRANCO to climb Prince Phillip´s Steps-he came here in 1978- carved in to the cliffs-2km rough trail-so much wildlife-P and V watching Blue Footed Booby and the chick....
...another amazing walk where we see thousands upon thousands of STORM PETRELS...look at all those dots behind us....
...STORM PETRELS by the thousands-mixed with hundreds of FRIGATEBIRDS and few SHORT EARED OWELS-NAZCA BOOBIES etc etc...

...NAZCA BOOBY-one of the saddest scene to witness in nature-here the mother trying to kill one of her two siblings as only ONE can survive as she can only look after one-we are not allow to interfere ...Jorge sees this kind of stuff on daily basis...
...going down Prince Phillip´s Steps to wait for our dingy-then it´s time to look for HAMMERHEADS near those cliffs while we snorkle...SCARE?....I am petrified of seeing one...will we see one ?... hmmm...
...no we failed to see HAMMERHEADS-we were in water for over an hour-we saw a school of over 40 different types of RAYS together-SPOTTED EAGLE RAYS-GOLDEN MUSTARD RAYS-BLACK SPOTTED RAYS etc etc-beautiful sight some 10 foot below us-it was quite windy and rough sea and so water was bit murky but we know there were many HAMMERHEADS in the bay-we saw everythings but HAMMERHEADS...we need to try harder but running out of time...
...after lunch we land at far side of same bay at a BEACH called DARWIN BAY-the picture you see above-P V and I decided to snorkle as Jorge takes others for a walk and guess who do we meet in the ocean....
...3 of us were snorkeling alone near that last rock behind V in the pix above-there was no on else in the water-and WE CAME FACE TO FACE WITH TWO WHITE TIP SHARKS-one 5 footer the other fully grown 6 footer-they were resting on the bottom -we spent 10 minutes watching them just 10 feet away above them and then I lost my nerve and I signalled P to get the hell out of there-we swam back to the beach and I was shaking...
...others came back from walk and just then something unbelievable happen-you would not believe it-a bloody shark came almost on to the beach chasing a large fish-the fish was poping in and out of water to avoid the shark-it lasted about 10 seconds-don´t know whether the shark got the fish or not-Jorge says he sees that all the time...I need a break I tell you man Gal is not a normal place...and then the others wanted to see the 2 sharks that we saw in the water earlier and so we went back snorkeling to show them and one was still there and the other mad shark was somewhere not far from us and I was out of that water as fast as I could again...

...picture of EDEN GPS showing 0.0000 as we crossed the EQUATOR at 10pm from NORTHERN to SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE...we celebrated this event with few glasses of cool beer....
...EDEN leaves GENOVESA at 8pm for SANTA CRUZ...

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