...our journey to Galapagos began when we arrived at Hostel Secret Garden in Quito http://www.secretgardenquito.com/ where we met PAUL who runs a travel agency from here-genuine decent Canadian-Paul sold us a fantastic deal and booked us on yacht EDEN and it was the beginning of the most memorable 8 days ever for us...
...3rd to 10th Feb...
Day 1 Baltra Island/Las Bachas
Day 2 North Seymour Island/Santa Fe
Day 3 Espanola Island(Punta Saurez/Gardner Bay)
Day 4 Floreana Island
Day 5 Santa Cruz Island-Puero Ayora-Charles Darwin Research Station-Highlands
Day 6 James Bay and Bartolome islands
Day 7 Genovosa Island
Day 8 Santa Cruz Island-Black Turtle Cove-Baltra Island
...the temp throughout our cruise was around 25 to 30 degrees and the water temp was around 20 degrees-perfect for swimming and snorkeling...
...Galapagoas Islands(Gal) -place where WILDLIFE comes first and human are just annoying paparazzi-you can look in to their eyes and you are sure to lose any staring contest-you have to share beach,ocean,bench,rocks,cliff ,path etc with them and remember to let them have the first choice-Gal ARE THE remarkable,unique,unusual,strange,bizzare,trully special and has taken on a mythological status...
...man named CHARLES DARWIN visited Gal in 1835 -spent only 5 weeks here-this visit changed the thinking on how life evolved on our planet-he wrote ORIGIN OF SPECIES ...Survival Of The Fittest theory was born here and today it remains the mainstay of modern biological thinking...
...animals and plants colonized Gal by air,sea and floating vegetations over the last 10 million years-finding no competition they came to dominate the ecosystem and filled every available ecological niche...thus small tortoise evolved in to a GIANT TORTOISE , little FINCH became the WOODPECKER of Gal etc
3rd Feb BALTRA ISLAND port 2pm(27 sq km with main airport) ...1st sight of wildlife soon as we come off our flight...this scene just before we board EDEN...these are wild Sea Lions taking a nap away from the heat...wildllife has the first right of way in Gal...
.. EDEN 1st class yacht...our home for the next 8 days as we cruise around Gal...sleeps 16 passengers-8 double with all mod-cons -length 25 meters-width 7 meters-built 1996-refurbished 2002-absolute luxury in every sense... ...Captain WASHINGTON in charge...
...form left Dipak,Pritti Chaco(C),Raphael(R),Eric(E),Jeanin(J),Emily(E) Vedanta and behind C and R sitting down are Romana(R) and 2 year old Felix(F)......R from Canada working in LA and others are a family from US...
...here we are performing Blue- Footed Booby(bird) courtship dance which will be explained later...(this pix was taken on FLOREANA ISLAND at Post Office Bay on 6th Feb at 3pm)
...ERIC and JEANINE with Emily and Felix have taken two years off to travel so they can all spend quality time with each other...
...CREJEF were with us for 5 days then six new passangers came in for the last 3 days... five days spent with CREJEF were just awesome-we were like a family- we would travel with them again and again anywhere anytime ...thank you CREJEF and R too...

...Eden crew-from left our absloute expert and caring guide Jorge( here impersonating a Penguine call -he was genius at any wildlife calls)-next to P is our chef and most important of all next to me our barman!...you guys were amazing-thank you!..
ps:Captain Washington was never around and we think he had a phobia called How Not To Smile!..

...map of GALAPAGOS ISLANDS-12 main islands -12 minor islands-30,000 population(human)-billions of MARINE LIFE,BIRDS and REPTILES-in the Pacific Ocean 1000km from mainland Ecuador-1200km from mainlands Costa Rica and Panama-Gal are isolated volcanic islands-worlds most volcanically active region sitting on Ring Of Fire-50 major eruptions in last 400 years-last one in 2005 at Volcan Sierra Negra on Isabela Island-formation of new islands is on going process...
3rd Feb...LAS BACHAS on SANTA CRUZ ISLAND wet landing at 3pm...
...Santa Cruz Island is the most developed island in Gal-has main harbour PUERTO AYORA...

...fresh trek of Black Marine Turtle that came from the ocean last night and laid as many as 100 eggs in the small nest then went back in the ocean-there were hundreds of turtle treks and nests on this beach as there were on many other beaches that we would visit-tourists are not allowed to come at night anymore to watch turtles lay eggs due to thuggish behaviour of some tourists in the past...National Parks are now opened from 6am to 6:30pm...
...new James Bond being shot at Las Bachas called JOURNEY OF DISCOVERY -Producer PRITTI-Director DIPAK
Bond girl played by VEDANTA & EMILY
M played by CHACO
Q played by RAPHAEL
Moneypenny played by JEANINE(sorry!)
Good villians played by FELIX & his dad(hmmm!)
...is that Craig Daniel of James Bond fame in the pix above!...P thought it was more like Mr Bean's fame ...am sure we saw Mrs Bean too somewhere on BARTOLOME ISLAND trying to put on flippers waist deep in water!
...at the above beach- our 1st snorkeling here -one of many in Gal - here we saw many fish of all colours...
...our 1st MARINE IGUANA...gentle giant... saw our first SALLY LIGHTFOOT CRABS and we would see hundreds of this during our 8 days stay...
...our guide Jorge would have meeting with us everyday at 6:30pm just before dinner-he would draw on this board our itinerary for the next day and explained to us in details the day's programme-we would wake up at 6am-watch the sunrise over Gal then breakfast at 7am - off the boat by 7:30 for trek on the island-it was pure MAGIC everyday!-7pm dinner during sunset-8pm EDEN then would sail at night as we go from island to island-we would wake up at new island everyday...(today is 13th Feb - we've been off EDEN for 3 days and we are still dearly missing EDEN -Gal -and the super company of other travelers)
...8pm EDEN sails to SEYMOUR ISLANDS...
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