Saturday, 2 February 2008

Adios Perruuuu & Hola ! Eccuuuddaaooorrrrrrr!!!!

...In Peru we had some amazing times-after The Amazon visit we flew back to Lima and spent 3 days there just chilling out-then we flew to Piura-border town(Peru side) between Peru and Ecuador-then 16 hours bus from Piura to Ceunca in Ecuador-border crossed at 1am -border crossing was -well- it´s the night we will never forget-the bus stopped at the border and it was raining really heavy,a wild river flowing only few feet away at the gate and as we came off the bus to go to the immigration hut to stamp our passports we started walking on what we thought was road carpeted with thousands of seeds from trees-but as we walked on -the floor started moving -only then we realised that we were walking on thousands upon thousands of cockroach like insects-you can´t imagine the stomach churning feeling at that time-we just closed our eyes and shut our ears from all the crunching noises and walked to the hut-and here we found ourselves standing outside the hut below a bright tube-light which had attracted even bigger insects big as your palm and inside sat the most slowest of all immigration officer we have ever seen in our life and all this while we are surrounded by millions of bugs-I sent P and V back inside the coach as they were really feeling sick with all them bugs around-I was standing behind one guy whose back was covered with all kinds of creepy crawlers and then I thought my back must be the same but I didñ´t want to think about it-it took 20 minutes to stamp 5 passports and it was the longest 20 minutes of my life - I was out of my comfort zone every second of that 20 minutes- to make matters worse some bugs had got in to our coach too-but by that time we really couldn´t careless-we just wanted to get in to the darkness of Ecuador and away from them bugs...I think we arrived Ceunca in the afternoon-spent 2 nights here...

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