...5th Feb ESPANOLA ISLAND 61 sq km-dry landing 7:45am at Punta Suarez...
...up at 6am as usual to watch sunrise around 6:15am-so enjoyable watching it with C-R-J -E -E and V...
...2km rocky trail-welcomed by colourful MARINE IGUANAS and so many-friendly too-many SEA LIONS and SALLY LIGHTFOOT CRABS and so many kinds of birds...
...2km rocky trail-welcomed by colourful MARINE IGUANAS and so many-friendly too-many SEA LIONS and SALLY LIGHTFOOT CRABS and so many kinds of birds...
...here Felix looks at Iguana for some POWER!-Emily looks concerned as its too close for her liking-Vedanta seems constipated as though squating in one of those Asian toilets...all 3 were brilliant on all treks-well done kids!
...normally these are black coloured but this time of the year they become colourful to attract opposite sex... they are on HEAT!
...P surrounded by colourful Iguanas-check the rainbow far behind her...
...Galapagos Hawk-not afraid of us at all...
...after our walk we went snokerling in the open sea by the HUGE cliffS where the sea dropps off to over 1000 meters only feW meters from the cliff and it was rather SCARY for me looking down where no light penetrates-oblivion-...we saw thousands of fish,few rays,turtles,sea lions and much more but no sharks yet!... WE ALSO WENT ALMOST IN TO A CAVE TO WATCH MARINE LIFE...
...after lunch we landed at Gardener Bay -2pm -Espanola-dry landing-P seen here swimming and playing with Sea Lions-sharing beach and water with Sea Lions is the norm in Gal...
...Gaderner Bay-these two keeping away from Sea Lions- 3pm we went snokerling off the dingy around that island in the back ground-R J and Eric swam from the beach and R dived around the island looking for sharks-R was amazing fearless swimmer-again we saw loads of marine life-according to Jorge our guide there are Hammerheads and other sharks resting there -but we saw none-amazing snorkeling though...back on EDEN by 5pm and that chilled Pilsner beer..ahhh!!! can snorkeling get any beter?...read on!!!!_
...normally these are black coloured but this time of the year they become colourful to attract opposite sex... they are on HEAT!
...P surrounded by colourful Iguanas-check the rainbow far behind her...
...Galapagos Hawk-not afraid of us at all...
...after our walk we went snokerling in the open sea by the HUGE cliffS where the sea dropps off to over 1000 meters only feW meters from the cliff and it was rather SCARY for me looking down where no light penetrates-oblivion-...we saw thousands of fish,few rays,turtles,sea lions and much more but no sharks yet!... WE ALSO WENT ALMOST IN TO A CAVE TO WATCH MARINE LIFE...
...after lunch we landed at Gardener Bay -2pm -Espanola-dry landing-P seen here swimming and playing with Sea Lions-sharing beach and water with Sea Lions is the norm in Gal...
...Gaderner Bay-these two keeping away from Sea Lions- 3pm we went snokerling off the dingy around that island in the back ground-R J and Eric swam from the beach and R dived around the island looking for sharks-R was amazing fearless swimmer-again we saw loads of marine life-according to Jorge our guide there are Hammerheads and other sharks resting there -but we saw none-amazing snorkeling though...back on EDEN by 5pm and that chilled Pilsner beer..ahhh!!! can snorkeling get any beter?...read on!!!!_
...during March to December Espanola has colony of over 12,000 WAVED ALBATROSS-spectacular birds-we also saw here BLOW-HOLES in the rocky shore shoot water high in to the air...
...dinner at 7pm-spectacular sunset-few drinks and then...
...EDEN off to FLOREANA ISLAND at 8pm...
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