Sunday, 9 December 2007

Argentina Iguazu Falls from land...

...the Iguazu Falls(IF) are equally divide between Brazil and Argentina-there are total of 275 separate waterfalls -this one named Passeio Inferiores(PI)...
...Argentine side of the IF provides a closer more intimate experience and a great variety of perspectives...IF are 18km from a town called Puerto Iguazu-our hostel here was Hostel Inn and it was one beautiful place and met many like minded travellers and it had swimming pool-a real luxury for Vedanta!...

...view from top of PI...
...other smaller falls...
...views of other falls...check out the catwalks...there are 4km of catwalks and it gives you views from every angle and are very well built and organised...the IF are some 3km long
...another great falls-the falls very to the left far are in BRAZIL...the IF park is some 2100 sq km on both sides and are real rainforets and mostly inaccessible-it contains all sorts of butterflies,lizards,parrots,hummingbirds,spiders,toucans,monkeys,jaguars,alligators(muslim!),armadillos,pumas,panthers etc etc etc--one sign read- IF YOU MEET A BIG CAT LIKE JAGUAR,PUMA OR PANTHER-REMAIN CALM-TRY TO APPEAR BIGGER THAN YOU ARE -I mean come on remain CALM! get real! and say WHAT? here kitty !kitty! kitty! as if(muslim!) she is going sit on your lap and give you a quick cuddle! I mean we are talking about BIG CATS not a pussy you see in Coronation Street, f..k that! I say find a tree and get on top of it if you still can or get behind a fat block or if it's really that bad then you have 30 seconds to mumble goodbye to your loved ones while the BIG CAT munches on your private parts! oouch!...I say put up a sign which reads-IF YOU MEET A BIG CAT YOU ARE F....D!
...these were trully grand falls -Garganta Do Diablo(GDD)...
...simply stunning as serene river suddenly turns violent as 13,000 cu meters of water per second(V says that's lot of water dad!) plunge 90m in 14 falls around a horseshoe-shaped canyon.Its a hypnotizing, multisensory experience to see the roaring falls,huge rainbow arcs,drenching mist and,in the distance,parrots and hawks cruising over the deep,green forest.Many swifts(type of bird),which drop like rocks into the misty abyss,catch insects in mid-air,shoot back up and dart to perch back on the cliffs behind the falls..swifts can be seen in the pictures...

... P touches the rainbow...the other side is Brazil... branch of Igauzu river...the other side is Brazil...the falls are only at 50% capacity and so are even bigger during rainy season which had just begun...we were very lucky to have 2 sunny days here because on the day we were moving on it was torrential rain...

...view point and getting drenched with mist...

...P enjoying the dramatic views...

...theses birds was quite common and real friendly around the falls...


...a picture taken when we went to PARAGUAY for a quick look around and yes it was as bad and as black and dull as this picture....

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