5km wide on either side was known as Demilitarised Zone(DMZ)

...Some of the smaller bombs dropped by US bombers...
...thousands of these Seismic Bombs were dropped by US B52 bombers...weighs 3600kg and melts everything within 250m radius...and causes damage up to a mile away...
...this hole made by a bomb known as Drill Bomb...which once it hits the ground ,then it drills itself down until it finds a tunnel then it explodes...
...thousands of bomb craters are still visible today...

...Vietnamese dug thousands of km of tunnels throughout the country,some of them right under the US bases(US army use to wonder why their men were getting shot while they slept in their tents),and they use these tunnels to hide,transport army,ammunition,oil ,food and so on.They even had schools ,hospitals,meeting rooms and so on in the tunnels...
...real time picture of the tunnel entrance...
...me walking some 300m down in the tunnel...
I was following some American ass hole!
...this tunnel had many exits and entrances and one of them was right on the beach and conceled...
...Vietnam war was fought live on US TV channels and many battle sites thus became household name...this was KHE SANH COMBAT BASE...where in 1968 over three weeks of fighting some 600 Americans died and over 10,000 Vietnamese...
...KHE SANH...US planes shot down by Vietnamese...
... KHE SANH...blown up US tank...
...from KHE SANH fighting...US GI holds up bodyless corpse...
...US medic giving kiss of life to a dying GI at KHE SANH...
...this site known as HAMBUGER HILL...in 1969 in three weeks fighting some 500 US lives were lost with over 12,000 Vietnamese...

...HAMBURGER HILL..dying GI says goodbye to one of his friend...
...US medic looks on at HAMBURGER HILL as US GI takes his last breadth...while Platoon commander shouts out hopeless orders at few remaining alive US GI ...
...HO CHI MIN TRAIL...was a jungle trail that ran the whole lenght of the country with many exits and entrys...it was a lifeline for Vietnamese on which everything to do with the war was transported and it was bombed many times by US bombers...the above is known as DOC MIEU BASE...
...US assault near DOC MIEU BASE...1968
...US assault on a village near DOC MIEU BASE...1968
...mother fleeing through river with children from her village as fighting goes on around DOC MIEU BASE...1968
...the war was shown live on TV channels ,news papers and magazines in US and it was pictures like above and below that finally turned the US public against the war and finally the US left Vietnam defeated...
...children fleeing school as the school is bombed by US with chemical bombs...the naked young girl in the middle is now a UN AMBASSADOR FOR PEACE...
...it is on record that US committed many war crimes in Vietnam war...the above known as MY LAI MASSACRE...400 US troops high on drugs and bored with war on 16th March 1968 gunned down some 350 unarmed civilians in MY LAI village,of which 75 were under the age of 10 and the rest were women over 60 ...massacre was covered up until 1970 but for 3 US GI who stood for what was right and told what happened at MY LAI...only one US soldier was found guilty and given life sentence but was then pardoned by outgoing digrace US president Nixon...
...US chemical bombing has given birth to thousands of deformed babies...one of the tragic legacy left by US in Vietnam...
...millions of unexploded landmines and bombs still litterd many parts of Vietnam,another tragic legacy left by US in Vietnam...this landmines were found on the day we were touring this area known as VINH MOC, only yards away from beautiful beach...the rule is to stay within marked path or you are sure to get blown up...
...Some of the smaller bombs dropped by US bombers...
...Vietnamese dug thousands of km of tunnels throughout the country,some of them right under the US bases(US army use to wonder why their men were getting shot while they slept in their tents),and they use these tunnels to hide,transport army,ammunition,oil ,food and so on.They even had schools ,hospitals,meeting rooms and so on in the tunnels...
...HAMBURGER HILL..dying GI says goodbye to one of his friend...
...one US soldier was reported injured at MY LAI...he shot him self in the foot to get himself airlifted by above flying medic helicoipters and he was the only US casulty at MY LAI ...the same soldeir had enough courage after two years to tell the truth about MY LAI...
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