Friday, 15 June 2007

Mt. Fuji

In the car of a SHINKANSEN(bullett train)First of our many SHINKANSEN rides -this one from Tokyo to FUJI-for Mr Patel it was pure ECSTASY!!!

SHINKANSEN(SS)...these are no ordinary train...they have first class aeroplane type seats and travel very very fast....I am a closet TRAINSPOTTER and PnV now knows it and they have even made a song and dance routine about it..its very funny! when you get your ticket it tells you your seat number,car number,departure and arrival time,platform number and once you are on platform it tells you exactly where to stand on the platfom where your car door will open in front of you when train arrives and each car has steward to guide you and assist with your food and drink needs...its great service and it arrives and leaves dot on second...

TORIL to a Shrine in FUJI-YOSHIDA town.

Prayers left by worshippers at Shrine--very moving-this one at 5th station 2600 meters up on Mount Fuji.

Inside the Shrine on Mount Fuji.

Toril gate from ground zero -climb starts from here from 1st June to 31st August-town is FUJI-YOSHIDA.

FUJI-YOSHIDA town-one of the street...Mount Fuji lurking in the back!

Chemist signs never far away from DIPAK even on his travels! and is that FUJI in the back ground?

On the way to ASAMA PARK to view Mount Fuji from CHUREI-TO PAGODA and boy what views we had!

Views from CHUREI-TO PAGODA-this is at one end of FUJI-YOSHIDA.

More stunning views of FUJI!
There were monkeys howlings behind us in the forest as we were viewing MOUNT FUJI....

THE MOMENT WHEN DIPAK SAW FUJI...boy we were all so happy...a real joy after 3 days wait!

MAKE UP YOUR OWN CAPTIONS! use words like -majestic!over the moon!brilliant!cant believe it!super!wow!incredible!jaw-dropping!cant beat that!never in my life!gordon bennett!did you see that!shit!crickey!bloody good!great!awsome!jesus!holy mary!I never!did you see that!un-beleivable!topdog! tara sum!(gujarati) on my mothers grave!f...!takes a biscuit!f......hell!bloody nora!no kidding!out of this world! bale!bale!trup! trup! ta!trup!trup!ta!trup!trup!ta!trup!

The clouds are just above FUJI-YOSHIDA -as FUJI gives clear views .

Fuji was completley clouded for almost 3 days-so we tried from other sides of FUJI by taking a cable car-but FUJI refuse to reveal it self in all its glory-but we got lucky at 6pm on our last day(we had to catch early morning train the following day) and FUJI finally gave away , clouds were lifted and blown away and we saw FUJI!!!!! Finally!!! and it was fact Dipak says it comes close to being as good as when he saw Everest for the first time in NEPAL.
We left TOKYO by SHINKANSEN(SS)(bullett train) hour ride to the base of MOUNT FUJI(MF)...stayed 3 nights in Fuji Yoshida town(fy)..its right under MF...area surrounding MF is full of lakes ,rivers and mountains and very lush green...MF was completley under cloud cover for 48 hours and we were really disappointed...we try to view from different sides but no luck but on our last night around six the clouds were completley blown away .. .it felt like a miracle.. and we saw MF in its full mighty glory and it was trully awe-inspiring sight that we will never forget and finally we all felt delighted and had a few beers to celebrate ,had a great evening....the next morning we caught SS to KYOTO...2hrs journey...


Unknown said...

Hello again,
Fascinating insights to Japan!Simply beautiful Fuji!You should have Priti dressed up in a Geisha outfit and post some pictures on the blog.Hope you are keeping well.

Patel said...

Hello Naresh...
...Geisha women were real for Pritti dressing up as Geisha...well ...she does that for me every night mate!...there are places in Kyoto in Geisha district that dresses up tourist as Geisha and takes 2 to 3 hours...and as we were touring the narrow street of Geisha district with Peter we did see some tourist dressed up as Geisha and believe me seeing a white woman dressed up
as Geisha is not a pretty sight!
We are doing very well and looking forward to NAAAMMMM!!!!