Sunday, 16 March 2008

Monteverde Cloud Forest...Costa Rica

...Monteverde Cloud Forest(MCF)...Monteverde...3rd March 08

...MCF is bird watcher's paradise and other wildlife like Sloths,Monkeys and Snakes etc...30 species of brilliant HUMMINGBIRDS type seen above at Hummingbird Gallery...

...another type of HUMMINGBIRD...and there where so many just flying pass by your ear..we also saw Costa Rican national bird QUETZAL-spectacular colours...
...adrenaline junkie at it again in Costa Rica...

...Sky Trek ZIP LINES ...longest and highest in the world...

...rode through 11 different zip lines-total of 11,000 feet,one with a length of 3000 feet and 500 feet high-I seemed to have grazed tree tops as I flew above the forest at 60mph,through the clouds and wind in my face...

...felt like SUPERMAN and SPIDERMAN...

...Pritti done this too and she loved it...

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