Tuesday, 22 April 2008
ALOHA! from HAWAII!!!!
...on 17th Apr we left MEXICO CITY for DALLAS -met up with SHAF -friend from UNI days...spent 4 days here-visited SOUTHFORK RANCH of t.v series DALLAS...
...visited KENNEDY MUSEUM and the site where he was shot in 1963 THE DEALEY PLAZA...it's a great WHO DUN IT!!!-every tourist has their own theory as to who really got him killed and why...great museum but US authorities explanations as to who killed him and why is just so pathetic and laughable!-I guess we will never know the truth...
...but WHO CARES cause now we are in another paradise!!! HAAAWWWAAAIII!!!
Monday, 14 April 2008


...this area is known as WEST END...

...another place to enjoy some cool drinks---about 2 minutes walk from our hotel...

...the SNOKERLLING was really good too...

...BOND GIRL back from her mission...

Sunday, 13 April 2008

...spotted EAGLE RAY...


...2 of our dives were at 20meters and BLUE HOLE dive was at 40 meters...

...we are both now certified OPEN WATER SCUBA DIVERS...we are hoping to go one stage further in near future to become ADVANCE SCUBA DIVERS and for that one needs to do five special dives like wreck and night dives etc with a scuba -master and if you pass then you are a certified ADVANCE SCUBA DIVER... we both have done one advance dive each already and so 4 more to go...

...Dipak by the WALL---WALL is from where the sea dropps off in to darkness and unknown...we are at 22 meters and from here the sea goes down to over 1000 meters and when you see this darkness where no sun-light ever penetrates- everytime it use to send chill down my spine...

...it's him again...

...Pritti and Dipak at 20 meters...picture by our Dive-Master..

...and it's him again...

...beautiful STAGHORN CORAL...


...when you are diving you never really get scarred of any of the creatures that you see and most of the time they are only couple of feet away from you...but if you see something like that on land you run miles away...it's weird but it's true...



...THE BLUE HOLE is a tourism poster for BELIZE...it's where divers from all over the world come to dive...it's 400 feet deep and 1000 feet wide...it's a collapsed cave under the ocean...

...this is exactly how it looked when we were there-deep BLUE...
(this picture taken from archive)
...unfortunatley this is the only picture from our BLUE HOLE DIVE as it was windy day and so water became murky with 5 meter or less visibility and we were 40 meters below the surface...
...BULE HOLE is known for it's number of SHARKS that one can see and we saw some 9 SHARKS in all here and some were huge over 25 feet perhaps...we think they were GREY CARIBBEAN SHARKS and others...we spent total of 25 minutes below the water...I am telling you I was shitting myself but it was great Adrenaline rush...
...in this dive we had to descend very fast to 40 meters using the wall as our marker,then you swim beneath a stalactite-laden overhang and that's where all the SHARKS were hanging out... heart stopping moment for me!...